SCHEDULED PICK UP AND DELIVERY. WALK-IN BY APPOINTMENT. Next door at Stars we're stocked with SUCCULENTS, HOUSEPLANTS & other goodies for plant & flower lovers.

BLOG — seasonal RSS


One of the things I get asked most often is "what should I plant? ( in order to have great things to cut?) At least once a month I'm going to dig into what local flowers, foliage and textures I'm using, show you my favorites and what I'm doing with them. While I'm not a gardener so I can't advise on how to grow them. I can curate a list for you of the plants that I would most want to see in my cutting garden. Current favorites I'd recommend are: Tulip or Star Magnolia Dogwood- Any kind! Right now buds are showing up on the flowering varieties that will pop open if brought indoors Fantail Pussywillow Deciduous Huckleberry By...

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How's this going to look?!?!?

Being in a business that is primarily about how things look I've allowed myself to get pretty hung up on appearances. It's understandable to be preoccupied with how things look when your job is creating something beautiful meant to impart a message of sympathy, celebration or love. But at this point I've been translating feelings into flowers for so long I'm not sure I know how to use my words anymore. Every month I struggle to make myself sit down and write a blog post and send out an email about what's going on. Sometimes I get an email out, I seem to almost never get to the blog post so here we go: working on using my words.  Somehow...

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First Friday Again?!?!?

Welp, it happened again and here it is, almost the first Friday of another month and I haven't written up a blog or even considered bringing up the idea of a monthly open studio/ workshop/ class or demonstration with you all. How is it that my head gets so far ahead and aside from what I am able to even put into written words? Guess it's my ADD that keeps me distracted with every sparkly squirrel I see zipping around. It's part of why I decided to set one day each month to do a thing in hopes of structuring in some accountability.... SO! FIRST FRIDAY FLOWER CLUB is happening whether I've promoted it properly or not. If you know...

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